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MD Imaging Network
Endorsed by the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, the professional society devoted exclusively to cardiovascular CT
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Cardiac CT Intensive Board Review Book
CoAP Comprehensive Board Review Book

Level 1 and 2: Interpretation, Billing and Board Exam

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Our course is designed to exceed the current ACC/ACR/SCCT guidelines for Live/Direct Performance cases (Category A & A-1) and Library/Non-Direct Performance (Category B & C), while providing 40, category I, CME credits in Cardiac CT, double the amount of CME credits required to achieve Level II certification. Our library consists of over 10,000 exams that include variety of coronary pathology, bypass grafts, cardiac tumors, congenital anomalies and non-cardiac findings.


CBCCT Board Exam Guided

This Level 1 & 2 Combined program is built on a comprehensive review of many aspects of the CBCCT Board Exam Content Outline together with high level Instructors. Through this integration the attendee is able to achieve Level 2 certification while simultaneously preparing for their Cardiac CT Board Exam with Cases and Didactics directly guided by the CBCCT.

Standard Interpreter Focused

This Level 1 & 2 Combined program is built on a comprehensive review of current applications and cases chosen by our panel of 15 instructors, guided by our 2 medical co-directors. Our Standard Interpreter Focused Curriculum combines a real world approach to cardiac CTA by combining day-to-day CCTA with academia.

Both programs exceed SCCT/ACC standards for credentialing.

          Diagnostic Outcomes:

    • CCTA’s Diagnostic Power over Other Imaging Modalities in Real World Scenarios
    • Over 500 cases correlation with Cath/IVUS, Echo/TEE, MR, SPECT, EP & Surgical

          Clinical Outcomes:

    • Individually focused case Ala-carte:  congenital, cath, EP, etc.
    • CTA guided treatments leading to the reality of beneficial or adverse results

          Training Outcomes:  

    • Exceed the ACC/SCCT requirements for Live/Library cases
    • Gain a minimum of 40 CME credits
    • Your SCCT Level 2 certification form will be completed at the end of the course>
    • Become SCCT Board Eligible upon Course Completion


Convenient 3 workdays for completion of Level 1 & 2,
Wednesday through Saturday

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