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MD Imaging Network
Endorsed by the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, the professional society devoted exclusively to cardiovascular CT
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Cardiac CT Intensive Board Review Book
CoAP Comprehensive Board Review Book

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1. What is the BENEFIT to training with a Board Exam Guided curriculum?

MDIN's Board Exam Guided Curriculum directly corresponds to the CBCCT Board Exam Content Outline. The purpose is to better prepare you for the CT Board Exam WHILE obtaining your Level 1, 2, &, 3 training. This formula was proven effective with over 90% of the physician students who trained in our Board Exam Prep Package passing the CT Board Exam!

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2. Why should I train with MD Imaging Network?

MD Imaging Network has a Faculty unsurpassed by any other training course of its kind in the World! MDIN's curriculum together with experts in CT Angiography, is highly advanced with the most up-to-date case selection and curriculum lead by world renowned experts revered for their knowledge in Cardiac and Peripheral CTA. Our training is the culmination of all of these expert's wisdom proving to create the very best, hands-on experience!

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3. Will I complete my training with MDIN, or will I have to attend another program?

All programs with MD Imaging Network are full Hands-on courses that COPMLETE your Level 2, 3, or, PV training in a single session.

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4. Can I come to one of your courses even though I do not have the same workstation you teach with?

Yes, our Cardiac & Peripheral CTA training programs are designed to teach you a systematic approach to CTA interpretation. The development of a systematic approach utilizing the basic and advanced workstation applications provide a global perspective to workstation manipulation. It does not matter what workstation you learn this on, your skills are easily adaptable to all workstation platforms.

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5. What vendor CT Equipment do your studies come from?

MD Imaging Network's library is extensive. Our library is constatnly updating with studies acquired with the most recent advances in CT today. From the Aquilion 1, single heart beat scanner, to the Seimens Dual Source, to the Philips 256, our library is highly detailed and extensive with practically every type of pathology diagnostically exhibited in CT!

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6. Can I train on any wokstation at your facility or are there specific platforms used?

We teach courses on both Philips (EBW & Portal Server) and the TeraRecon workstations.

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7. I am a Nuclear Medicine Physician. Why should I become certified in Cardiac CTA (CCTA)?

Cardiac CTA has proven to be a mainstay in Cardiac imaging with over 50 CMS reimbursable indications, and over 700 board certified MDs (2008 was the first year for CCTA Boards). The ACC only allows subspecialized physicians (Nuclear Med MDs, Cardiologists, & Radiologists) the ability to Grandfather the training experience. As an imager, a Nuclear Med MD has to remain current with the pace of technology. CCTA's diagnostic capabilities and lower radiation dosage to patients, has demonstrated a very large footprint over other modalities including Nuclear Medicine. Nuclear Med MDs should seize the opportunity and become Level 2 certified to adapt to the changing times, offer more diagnostic interpretations, and beat the clock before time runs out.

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8. As a Radiologist I would like to acheive the Cardiologist's Level 2 &/or 3 ACC training. Does your program offer training that will get me ACC Level 2 &/or 3 with a Radiologist's perspective?

Most Cardiac CTA (CCTA) training programs are created and taught by Cardiologists. These programs are often staffed by non-technical personnel (Nurses or general staff) and provide only one perspective (the programs founding Cardiologist's perspective).

MD Imaging Network's training faculty is comprised of 17 Physicians. 7 Radiologists and 10 Cardiologists. The 7 Radiologists are all Level 3 Lab Directors in leading Cardiac CTA facilities throughout the US. Our Curriculae are derived by the input from Radiologists, Cardiologists, & Nuclear Medicine Physicians, bridging together the clinical applications and technical aspects of CCTA. Providing Radiologists valuable insight, while exceeding the ACC's strict guidelines. Also, every MDIN training program is staffed by a Technical Director, every minute of the course. The Technical Director is a licensed CT technitian with lab management & practical scanning experience. For a Radiologist there is no other program offered that can compare!

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9. How many cme credits do you offer in your hands on programs and your Multi Volume DVD Compendium?

Combined, you can earn as many as 80 CME credits if you complete your Level 1, 2, &, 3 hands on training and 37.5 CME Credits through our DVD Compendium.

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