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Welcome to MD Imaging Network
MD Imaging Network
Endorsed by the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, the professional society devoted exclusively to cardiovascular CT
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Cardiac CT Intensive Board Review Book
CoAP Comprehensive Board Review Book

MDIN Board Prep Package for the CBCCT

The Highest Professional Standard in Cardiac CTA,
Only available from MDIN!
Endorsed by the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography,
the professional society devoted exclusively to cardiovascular CT

  • Stage 1: Level 1 and 2 Eligibility Course
    • Includes all Components of Regular Level 1 & 2
    • Content Derived from the CBCCT Exam Content Outline
    • Minimum 2 Level 3 Board Exam Graduates
    • Emphasis on Failed Segments of Prior Board Exam
    • Exam Simulation
    • All Related Materials
  • Stage 2: Level 3 Leadership Course
    • Hands-On Reconstruction and Processing
    • Advanced Board Exam Simulation
    • CT Physics and Radiation Safety
    • Advanced Board Topics Such as:
      • Myocardial & Pericardial Diseases
      • Cardiac Masses
      • Congenital Heart Disease

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CTA Training Courses

Cardiac CTA:

  • Level 3: Advanced users and CT Lab Directors
    • Hands-On Reconstruction and Processing
    • Advanced Board Exam Simulation
    • CT Physics and Radiation Safety
    • Advanced Board Topics Such as:
      • Myocardial & Pericardial Diseases
      • Cardiac Masses
      • Congenital Heart Disease

Peripheral CTA: Combined PV & CCTA:
  • Peripheral Vascular (PV)
    • 150 Mentored PVCTA Cases
    • Complete Your PV Certification in 4 Days!
    • Unique Pathologies with Cath Correlations
    • Full Didactic and Hands-on Experience
    • Learn how to Individualize Protocols
    • Case Workstation Manipulation, 1:1 Machine
    • Increase Lab Throughput
    • Stimulate PVCT Referrals
    • Exceeds ACC Guidelines
  • Level 1 and 2 & PV
    • Incresease Revenue
    • 350 Cases
    • Board Eligibility
    • Full Certification
    • Diversify Your CT Lab
    Level 3 and PV
    • Increase Knowledge & Revenue
    • 350 Cases
    • Hands-On Reconstruction and Processing
    • Advanced Board Exam Simulation
    • CT Physics and Radiation Safety
    • Advanced Board Topics Such as
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Mario Garcia, M.D., FACC
Director, Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging
Department of Cardiology, Mount Sinai, New York


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